About Us
Sera Jey Monastery follows its centuries old tradition and culture dating back to its great period in Tibet, to this present day without much significant change. As such the monastery continues to exist in a typical Tibetan Gelukpa monastic tradition to this day.
The monastery's organization is well organized into two separate streams, one involved in Spiritual / Educational Administration and the other in General / Financial Administration.
塞拉吉寺遵循其幾個世紀的傳統和文化, 可以追溯到西藏的偉大時期, 直到今天沒有太大的重大變化。因此, 修道院至今仍存在於典型的西藏格盧克帕修道院傳統中。 修道院的組織分為兩個不同的流程, 一個涉及精神/教育管理, 另一個涉及一般/財務管理。Learn More

Sera Jey Monastic University
Sera Jey Monastery follows its centuries old tradition and culture dating back to its great period in Tibet, to this present day without much significant change. As such the monastery continues to exist in a typical Tibetan Gelukpa monastic tradition to this day.
塞拉吉寺遵循其幾個世紀的傳統和文化, 可以追溯到西藏的偉大時期, 直到今天沒有太大的重大變化。因此, 修道院至今仍存在於典型的西藏格盧克帕修道院傳統中。

Sera Jey Secondary School
Geshe Tashi Bum and I were requested by the members of the governing body of the monastery to look after the educational needs of the novices and to retain the existing teachers in the school who had been hired. We assured our services in this regard. We called the novices and started taking philosophical classes by myself. Geshe Tashi Bum started classes for younger novices. In this way, we started the school. The first school was started at the place where at present the wood block printing press is, in front of the Assembly Hall (currently the place where Sera Jhe Health Care shopping complex is) Gom Geshe Jampa Tsundue, Tehor Geshe Lobsang Dhargey and Tse Geshe Jampa Lakmen were appointed teachers for handwriting and prayer memorization.
向格西·塔希·布姆和我被寺院管理機構的成員要求, 照顧新手的教育需求, 並留住學校中被錄用的現有教師。我們保證在這方面提供服務。我們打電話給新手, 開始自己上哲學課。格西·塔希·鮑姆開始為年輕的新手上課。就這樣, 我們開辦了學校。第一所學校是在目前木塊印刷機所在的地方開辦的, 在大會堂前 (目前 Sera Jhe 保健購物綜合體所在的地方) Gom Geshe Jampa tsundue、Tehor Geshe Lobsang Dhargey 和 Tse Geshe Jampa Lakmen被任命為書法和祈禱記憶的教師。

Sera Jey Medical Healthcare
With advice, guidance and seed money donation of Rs 50000/- from His Holiness the Dalai Lama this committee was established in the year 1989. It is run by four administrators directly elected by the representatives of the general body of monks for three years' voluntary service and is headed by the Abbot of Sera Jey Monastery.It caters to the health care needs of over 4500 monks in Sera Jey Monastery apart from local Indians and lay Tibetans in the settlement. It runs Tibetan Medicine, Allopathic and Dental clinics. The services at the clinics are offered free of charge to all the monks and 50 percent concession for lay people. It is one of the backbones of the monastery.
根據建議、指導和種子捐款50000盧比/-達賴喇嘛尊者在1989年成立了這個委員會。它由4名僧人總機構代表直接選舉產生的人員管理, 任期三年, 由 Sera Jey 修道院的方丈領導。當地的印第安人和奠定西藏人在定居點。它經營藏醫、過敏症和牙科診所。診所的服務免費提供給所有僧人, 並為非專業人員提供50% 的優惠。它是修道院的支柱之一。

Sera Jey Library
Sera Jey Library is the institutional library of Sera Jey Monastery. The library serves as a textual repository for a vast collection of Buddhist texts and scriptures relating to monastery's study curriculum and other Buddhist Philosophical works. Included in the collection are scriptural texts and books of individual monks who were able to bring along with them during flight from Tibet.
沙拉傑圖書館是沙拉傑寺的機構圖書館。圖書館是大量佛經和佛經的文本庫, 這些佛經和佛經與寺院的學習課程和其他佛教哲學作品有關。藏品中包括從西藏起飛的過程中能夠帶來的個別僧人的聖經課本和書籍。
What We Do
Tibetan monks or lamas lead a fairly peaceful life. At daybreak, the monk on duty will climb to the rooftop of Great Assembly Hall of the monastery and clap his hands for three times and loudly pray for the blessings of Goddess of Mercy (also known as Guanyin). Upon hearing the “morning call”, all the monks will swarm into the assembly hall for morning praying, which is a solemn and incredible spectacle to see.
西藏僧侶或喇嘛過著相當平靜的生活。黎明時分, 值班僧人將爬到修道院大會堂的屋頂上, 拍拍三次雙手, 大聲祈禱觀音菩薩 (又名觀音) 的祝福。聽到 "早晨的電話", 所有的僧人都會蜂擁到會場裡, 進行晨間的祈禱, 這是一個莊嚴而不可思議的奇觀。